Mariana Verdonen joins the NordBorN team!

Mariana is a physical geographer specialising in GIS and remote sensing of environmental changes in northern ecosystems, focusing on the interactions between permafrost, landscape and climate dynamics. She has also worked in multi-disciplinary projects assessing the effects of climate change on socio-ecological systems. Mariana has now joined the NordBorN team at the Agricultural University of Iceland. Welcome Mariana!

Postdoctoral researcher position at the Agricultural University of Iceland

Deadline: December 8, 2023

We are looking for a highly motivated and skilled postdoctoral researcher to join the project The Nordic Borealization Network (NordBorN) funded by NordForsk’s University Cooperation call.

The Nordic Borealization Network (NordBorN) will create a collaboration platform across the Nordic countries to understand the implications of ongoing shifts in the forest-tundra biome boundary, that is, the borealization in Nordic terrestrial ecosystems. These shifts include the encroachment of woody species (treeline advance and shrub expansion), spread of non-native species, changes in the composition of biotic communities and in the trophic and functional structure of ecosystems, and changes in landscape structure and ecosystem processes. As such, borealization provides the scope for multidisciplinary work and highlights the need of a strong consortium with complementary expertise. NordBorN will bring together six Nordic universities and three associated partners who will jointly develop research funding applications and will create opportunities for mobility and graduate student co-supervision across Nordic universities.

The successful applicant will conduct their own research within the scope of the network while also facilitating collaborative research with a large international research team. Their role will be to identify additional opportunities for funding of joint NordBorN projects, assist in the preparation of grant applications and coordinate efforts across the consortium, and develop their own research interests, as project leaders. They will also build leadership expertise by being part of the management board of a large Nordic cooperation project. The position will provide a unique opportunity to be part of a large, active international team, participate in project meetings in different countries over the course of the project, opportunities for research visits with other partners and for student supervision in a multidisciplinary environment.

The postdoctoral researcher will be based at the Reykjavík campus of the Agricultural University of Iceland, and will work closely together with Isabel C Barrio and other members of the NordBorN consortium. The deadline for applications is December 8, 2023 and the position will start as soon as possible after January 1, 2024. The position has a duration of 28 months. Salaries are according to public sector wage agreements.

Applications are welcome from candidates with a PhD degree in ecology, environmental sciences or related fields. A strong academic background is essential, as the postdoctoral researcher should be able to translate the research needs and priorities of the network into the development of consortium activities, while consolidating themselves as experts in the field. Applicants should ideally have experience in working in an international research environment, successfully securing research funding, communicating scientific outputs to different audiences, and project management and coordination. Strong communication and interpersonal skills also are important because the person in this position will facilitate collaborative research within the network. Applicants should be able to work as part of an international, multidisciplinary team but also independently.

In your application you should include:

  • Cover letter that explains how your research interests and experience align with the position
  • CV or resume, including relevant experience
  • List of two professional references and their contact information

Please do not hesitate to contact Isabel C Barrio ( if you have any questions.

Applications should be submitted through the online application system.